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Regular Board Meeting

Keller ISD's Board of Trustees will hold its monthly Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 27. The public portion of the meeting will begin at 5 p.m. Meeting agendas can be found on the Board of Trustees pages beginning 72 hours prior to the meeting. Live streaming video of the meeting will be available on the Keller ISD YouTube Channel . Those wishing to address the Board during the Audience with Individuals portion of the agenda can do so by filling out the online sign-up form . Individuals may not sign up in person at the time of the meeting. To provide staff with sufficient time to organize a report of speakers for the presiding officer, the deadline to submit your request to speak is noon on the day of the meeting. Please click here to access the online sign-up form . Meeting dates and times are tentative and are finalized only when the meeting's agenda has been posted.
Keller Education Center Board Room (Rock Gym)
Thursday, February 27, 2025 5:00pm – Thursday, February 27, 2025 8:00pm